I am an Assistant Teaching Professor in the Department of Human Ecology at Rutgers University. I hold a Ph.D. (2018) in planning and public policy from the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy and a Master of Landscape Architecture (2006) from Cal Poly Pomona. Both my research and teaching aim to make cities more livable and sustainable by revealing the politics underlying urban environments.
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Research Interests
Urban Political Ecologies | Sewage | Lived Urban Experience
Using the concepts of urban metabolism as a lens, my work investigates how the everyday lives of urban residents shape, and are shaped by, urban political ecologies. In particular, I study the urban political ecology of sewage.
My current research project investigates the ability of decentralized, or onsite, sewage systems to shape urban futures across the global North/South divide. This work explores how decentralized sewage technology is altering urban ecosystems and re-distributing control over sewage services to non-state actors in New York City and Agra, India. This project will contribute to discussions of urban ecology, urban governance, and infrastructure planning by expanding our understanding of how technology mediates social/biophysical relations in cities.
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Courses Taught
Rutgers University - undergraduate
Globalization, Development & Environment
Introduction to Sustainability
Environmental Justice
Politics of Environmental Issues
Energy and Society
Environmental Solutions
Hunter College, CUNY - graduate
Brownfield Redevelopment Planning Studio
Affordable Artist Housing Planning Studio
Land Use, People and Environment
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Professional Experience
2010 - 2011
Applied Ecological Services
Philadelphia, PA
Lead Ecological Planner
Selected Projects: Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority Landfill Master Plan, Lancaster County, PA; Clarke Properties Costal Restoration, Loveladies, NJ
2008 -2010
MESA Design Group
Dallas, TX
Senior Project Manager
Selected Projects: Mushaireb Waterfront Development, Khartoum, Sudan; Trail Master Plan and Implementation Strategy, Midlothian, TX; Audubon Dogwood Canyon Trail Guidelines, Cedar Hill, TX; Falling Waters Plan Development, Marble Falls, TX
2006 -2008
Megert Environmental Planning
Los Angeles, CA
Principal & Owner
Selected Projects: Grand Canal Lagoon Restoration, Los Angeles, CA; Del Rey Lagoon Vision Plan, Los Angeles, CA; Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve Environmental Education Program, Los Angeles, CA
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Awards & Fellowships
Susan S. Fainstein Distinguished Doctoral Scholarship Award
Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
Dr. Donald A. Krueckeberg Memorial Scholarship
Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy